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How Often Are Nonsurgical Body Contouring Treatments Needed?

By: Dr. Brenda Vozza


Are you tired of stubborn fat pockets that won't seem to disappear no matter how dedicated you are to your exercise and diet routine? Does loose skin from weight loss or pregnancy leave you feeling self-conscious? Now, body contouring treatments at Brookridge Internal Medicine Associates, P.A. help you to achieve your desired look without invasive surgery. Best of all, Alma Accent Prime technology only requires 4 – 6 sessions for optimal results.

Dr. Brenda Vozza can provide a personalized plan to target your specific areas of concern during an assessment in Longview, TX. Call now to see why countless patients trust us for their nonsurgical solutions.

Who should get body contouring?

Nonsurgical body contouring is suitable for individuals who have reached their ideal weight but still struggle with stubborn fat pockets or loose skin. It is not meant to be used as a weight loss method but rather as a way to sculpt and tone your curves.

People who have undergone recent weight loss or pregnancy may benefit from body contouring to address common aesthetic issues. Of course, ideal candidates should also be in good overall health and have realistic ideas for their outcomes. Dr. Vozza will discuss your medical history and other factors to determine if Accent Prime can work for you.

How does Accent Prime work?

Accent Prime technology uses a combination of ultrasound and radiofrequency (RF) energy to target fat cells and stimulate collagen production in the skin. This results in fat reduction, as well as tightening of the treated area. People tend to choose Accent Prime because it does not require surgery, incisions, or downtime. It is also safe for most skin types and can be used on various areas like the abdomen, lower back, hips, and flanks.

Additionally, sessions with Dr. Vozza are considered comfortable and last about an hour, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules. After each appointment, you can resume your daily activities without many restrictions.

How many body contouring treatments are needed?

At Brookridge Internal Medicine Associates, P.A. in Longview, TX, we understand that each body is unique. This is why the number of nonsurgical body contouring appointments needed varies based on individual goals and the areas being treated. On average, we recommend 4 – 6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart for noticeable improvements. We will create a custom plan that fits your schedule and provides the best possible outcomes.

Maintaining your Accent Prime results

One of the many benefits of Accent Prime is that the results you achieve are long-lasting. However, it is still important to maintain your new look with a generally healthy lifestyle. Continuing with regular exercise and a balanced diet can preserve your new look for as long as possible. Dr. Vozza may also suggest follow-up appointments or additional cosmetic treatments in the future.

Book your body contouring appointment

Ready to transform your body with the help of Accent Prime technology? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brenda Vozza at Brookridge Internal Medicine Associates, P.A. to discuss your options for nonsurgical body contouring. Our Longview, TX, team is committed to helping you achieve your desired appearance and boosting your self-confidence. Don't let stubborn fat pockets or loose skin hold you back any longer.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.